Setacolor 3D Auxiliary 20 ml Glue


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SKU: 557701 Category:

Allows the creation of fabric collages; hems, trim… Can be used to glue fabric to
supports such as wood and cardboard. Can be used in combination with Setacolor Glitter.
SURFACES: Most fabrics.
FIXING: Two possibilities.
1. With an iron, on the cotton setting without steam, for 5 minutes on the reverse side of
the fabric.
2. In a domestic oven, for 5 minutes at 150°C (300°F), (at a stable
TOOLS: Brush, pipette, sponge, stamp,stencil…
CARE (for decorated fabrics): 48 hours after fixing, the colours resist a 40°C (100°F) machine
or hand washing.
TOOL CLEANING: Soap and water.

Additional information

Weight 0.075 lbs

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Setacolor 3D Auxiliary 20 ml Glue